Disease Controlling Effect of the Water Soluble Silver-contained Glass
Takayuki SEKINE, Yasunaga IWASAKI, Noriyuki YAMAMOTO* and Yoshifumi OTA*
Silver glasses that are contained silver in water soluble glass were made, and some diseases controlling effect of them were examined. Dissolution rate of the silver ion is different from the feature of silver glass according to the change of the composition and the particle size. In this examination, the thirteen silver glasses that had different compositions were made and sequentially numbered them A~M in order to dissolution rate of silver ion. The faster dissolution rate of silver ion they had, the higher controlling effect against bacterial wilt of tomato was shown, though they caused stronger damage for tomato. Silver glass numbered G, which had higher controlling effect against bacterial wilt but showed stronger damage, and silver glass numbered M, which had lower controlling effect but didn’t show any damage for tomato, were examined on their treatment methods and particle sizes. As the results, when silver glass numbered G, which was the particle size 0.3mm or less and enveloped in unwoven cloth, was treated at the rate of 1.0%(w/v) by tomato, a high effect of control was shown to bacterial wilt without any damages. Though this result was obtained in laboratory, field experiments will need doing, but the much possibility of control to bacterial wilt of tomato by silver glass was suggested. Moreover, silver glasses had some controlling effect against clubroot of Chinese cabbage, fusarium wilt and powdery mildew of strawberry. The development of new sterilizer that have wide spectrum using silver glass can be expected by further examination of their composition and treatment methods.
第1報 遮光および培地冷却が四季成り性品種および一季成り性品種の花芽分化と果実収量に及ぼす影響
Effect of Shading and Rootzone Cooling on the Flowering Time and Yields of Everbearing or Short-day Varieties of Strawberry
Yasunaga IWASAKI
国内の夏秋期(7~11月)のイチゴ生産量はきわめて少なく,ケーキなどを中心とした業務用の需要に対応するため,海外から輸入されている。しかし,輸入イチゴは期待される食味や品質を得られない場合もあり,国産イチゴの供給に対する要望が高い。東北地域では夏季の高温期間が比較的短く,夏秋期のイチゴ生産に有利であると考えられ,生産技術の確立が望まれている。本研究ではイチゴ夏秋どり栽培において、遮光処理および培地冷却処理が花芽分化および生育・収量に及ぼす影響を検討し,以下の結果を得た。 1)一季成り性品種は春から夏の長日条件下では遮光や培地冷却によって花芽分化を促進することは難しい。 2)高温期の培地冷却は花房当たりの結実数を増加させ,果実収量を顕著に増加させる効果がある。 3)果実の肥大に及ぼす遮光や培地冷却の影響は品種によって異なる。 4)遮光は単独では果実収量を増加させる傾向があるが,培地冷却と組み合わせた場合には,培地冷却単独の場合よりも果実収量が減少する場合があり,遮光の割合,時間帯などの条件を変えて詳細に検討する必要がある。
The experiment was conducted to establish the environment control technique for strawberry production during summer to autumn season.
Both shading treatment and rootzone-cooling treatment seemed to have little flowering induction effect during long?day period when using short-day varieties such as ‘Tochiotome’ and ‘Raiho’.
‘Eran’which is one of the everebearing varieties, had bloomed continuously under long-day period.
Root zoon cooling increased the number of fruits per truss and increased yields significantly during hot season.
Shading treatment alone also increased yields of strawberry by itself, but when with combination of rootzone-cooling and shading, less yields was harvested than rootzone-cooling alone. So the strength and time of shading should be examined into more details.
Effects of shading and root-zone cooling on fruit enlargement were different depending on the varieties and time of these treatment.
Effects of Red or Far-red Light and Red/far-red Ratio on the Flowering of
Antirrhinum majus and Eustoma grandiflorum Plants
Tadahisa YOSHIMURA,Atsushi SASAKI,Seiichi SUZUKI,Takayoshi MORIYAMA,
The effects of red light and far-red light on the flowering of long-day plant Antirrhinum majus and Eustoma grandiflorum were compared. During the day time, plants were covered with the films which convert light quality into the red/far-red photon flux ratio of sunlight, whereas at night the plants were irradiated with compact self-ballasted fluorescent lamps of red or far-red light. Flowering of the plants grown under both high and low red/far-red photon flux film during the day was not advanced. Whereas flowering of the plants irradiated with far-red light at night was advanced.
A comparison Among Detection Method of LIly Virus
and Proper Growth Stage of Lily for Detection of its Viruses
Hidenori SATOU and Shigeo NAKAMURA
We compared dilution end-points for the detection of Cucumber mosaic virus (CMV), Lily mottle virus (LMoV) and Lily symptomless virus (LSV) in lily by a dot immunobinding assay (DIBA); an indirect enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA); reverse transcription and the polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) assay. As a result, the dilution end-point for the detection of three viruses is 1/25-1/625 by DIBA, 1/5-1/25 by indirect ELISA and 1/10,000-1/100,000 by RT-PCR assay. So RT-PCR assay is the highest sensitivity among three methods. Moreover, we investigated time-dependent changes of the each concentration of three viruses in leaves of Lilium בMorino-otome’, L. בMorino-sei’and L.בMorino-roman’during a growth period by indirect ELISA. The each concentration of CMV and LMoV tended to be high at young upper leaf from the budding stage to the flowering stage of three cultivars, whereas the concentration of LSV was high at mature leaves. Therefore, it is necessary to gather leaves at an upper or lower stem until flowering growth stage of above-mentioned lily cultivars for reliable detection of CMV, LMoV and LSV at same time.